According to a malware analyst at Sucuri, Mr. Krasimir Konov, a common issue was shared by all websites; their website’s files and database which includes the legitimate core WordPress files were infected by the malicious JavaScript. Files such as jquery.min.js and jquery-migrate.min.js with obfuscated JavaScript hat’s activated on every page load were infected. With the infection, the attacker would redirect the website visitor to any destination of their choice. The domains at the end of the redirect chain due to the malicious JavaScript, can easily redirect the chain and can be used to load advertisements, phishing pages, virus or malware or even start a cycle of further redirects, the security company owned by the GoDaddy website said. This wave of Cyber attack seems to be a continuation of the the wave that was detected last month. Since 9th May the Cyber attack has affected about 322 websites. The April attack has affected and breached more the 6,500 websites. Due to the malicious JavaScript, sometimes the users are redirected to an a page which is fake CAPTCHA check. The unwanted malicious ads are disguised in the CAPTCHA check, and while viewer clicks the unwanted ads are getting their clicks while the viewer thinks its a security check operated from the operating system. The malware analyst Mr. Konov further added that these attacks are targeted at the weak points and vulnerabilities in the WordPress. They compromise the themes and plugins of the website and the malicious scripts ae injected. Also Read: FBR IT Systems are Under Cyber Attack