“The virus is making Netflix unwatchable,” Musk said on Twitter in response to Netflix’s poor earnings announcement on Tuesday. He didn’t name any shows or movies, but he agreed with a follower who stated the entertainment sector had become “next to the ban button” afraid of offending people and supplied “nothing creative anymore.”

— Slashdot (@slashdot) April 19, 2022 Musk agreed with a user who said the “Woke mind virus is the greatest threat to civilization,” saying, “Yes.”

— Pranay Pathole (@PPathole) April 20, 2022

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) April 20, 2022 It’s interesting that Musk, who recently bought billions of dollars’ worth of Twitter stock in an attempt to sway the company before making a $43 billion offer to buy it outright, would criticise Netflix, given that the streaming service has collaborated with him on a number of adoring documentaries, including Countdown: Inspiration4 Mission to Space. People who are aware of and actively attentive to crucial information and situations are referred to as “woke” (especially issues of racial and social justice.) Netflix has already stated that it will regain its momentum, but on Tuesday it addressed the problems that have been bothering it. Netflix CEO Reed Hastings stated in a video conference evaluating the latest data, “Covid-19 created a lot of noise on how to read the situation.”