As per the official report, photo sharing from the Google Photos app is now much faster and easier. For this purpose, Google has made a minor but significant change to its UI (user interface).

These Changes to Google Photos UI can deliver huge savings in time and effort

With Google’s change to apps UI, the “share to apps” option appears in one row. This row includes the icon of the last three most recently used apps. You can use any of the recently used apps by a button showing “more.” A new share sheet is available that has some of your frequently used apps arranged in alphabetical order. Before these recent changes to the UI, you have to go through two rows of icons whenever you want to share a video, picture, or any other document. The first row shows the icons that allow you to share your data with a person or a group. The second row shows the installed apps or any other app you want to share data with it. With this new setup in apps UI, it has become much efficient and comfortable to find your required app to share your data. A new faster share sheet is available on Google Photos to share the app. It is not a significant revolutionary change, but it still helps us send and share our data quickly. It shows all the apps in alphabetical order with a full-screen image, searching for apps much more comfortable to share your pictures and videos. Also Read: Google Photos for iOS: Now Crop, Trim & Add Filters