This message revolves around a very brilliant idea of saving others lives by sitting at home and transmitting less viruses. The Colorful G-OO-G-L-E , each alphabet is playing its part by helping people lead healthy quarantine times. The very first alphabet shows us to pas sour time by reading good books, while the two Os are happily dancing and playing a song on guitar, which gives a pleasant feeling all along. The alphabet g and e, are holding phones, connected by a heart, which shows the power of communication with loved ones even when staying at home. The LETTER L is busy with bodybuilding as even if you can’t go to the gym, you need to stay healthy no matter what.

New Google Doodle Shares Tips to Kill Boredom at Home

The overall theme of this google doodle is quite pleasing and make us feel fresh while getting in the minor details of it. Upon clicking the doodle, we are directed to another page which shared tips and tricks with people to save themselves by taking certain precautionary measures. Furthermore, a global corona map is also shared, which shows the number of reported and demised cases throughout the world. Also Read: Google Doodle Acknowledges Services of Shipping and Delivery Workers During COVID19