Adele after launching her latest album, “30” requested Spotify to remove the shuffle option for her album. The reason according to Adele for making such a request was to make her followers and fans understand the storyline she has told in the specific sequence of her songs. Adele has stated that artist transfer their feelings, emotions while giving their different songs a specific order to be listed; which needs to be understood with the sequence playing of the album songs. She further thanked Spotify via a tweet for honoring her request; with the shuffle option removed the listeners will listen songs in the same sequence as the singer has intended. After Adele’s request the music streaming service (Spotify) is doing the same to the others albums as well. It does not mean that the listener will not be able to select or skip to any other song in the album. In a way the decision by Spotify has given the singers/artists some credit who puts time and thought in the arranging and rearranging of the songs listing in a specific pattern. Another realization with this decision that has surfaced is that we being the listeners have rarely ever listened to an album in their specific listing; maybe now is time that  we give some thought to the logic behind listing. Also Read: Spotify lyrics feature Rolled Out for Everyone