PTA has also initiated the process for cellular license renewal and additional spectrum auction in 1800 & 2100 MHz bands in Azad Jammu & Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan.

PTA Extends Deadline for the Hiring of Consultants for Spectrum Auction

PTA has set deadline of October 30, 2020 for submission bids for hiring consultant for spectrum auction in Pakistan which has been further extended to November 30, 2020.  PTA had set deadline of October 20, 2020 for submission of bids for hiring consultant for spectrum auction in AJK & GB which has also been extended to November 5, 2020.  PTA has initiated the process of auctioning the available spectrum from 1800 and 2100MHz bands to cellular mobile phone operators aimed at improving the quality of services and generating revenue. The auction drive entitled, “Spectrum Auction Pakistan 2020-21” is focused on regulatory consistency for the investors, mobile broadband proliferation, and future sustainability of the cellular mobile communication sector with an overall economic growth of Pakistan.  The Authority has also decided to hire consultant (s) / consulting firm (s) for cellular license renewal and additional spectrum auction in Azad Jammu & Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan and has invited Expression of Interest (EOI) from local (Pakistan, AJ&K and GB) Consultant(s)/Consulting firm(s) who are on Active Taxpayers List of the Federal Board of Revenue, Pakistan.  The consultant(s) / consulting firm(s) will carry out the assignment in light of the detailed Request for Proposal (RFP), which includes but not limited to:  (a) Cellular License Renewal; (b) Additional Spectrum Auction; and (c) Spectrum Rationalization Plan.  The objective of the consultancy is to devise a strategy for existing Mobile Cellular License Renewal; and Additional Spectrum Auction in 1800 & 2100 MHz bands in the light of international best practices suited for AJ&K and GB’s Telecom market;  focused on regulatory consistency for the investors, mobile broadband proliferation and future sustainability of Cellular Sector with an overall economic growth of region.   Further the consultancy is aimed at spectrum Pricing Benchmarks for renewal and auction with the future projections of next 3 x years, targeting to achieve overall economic growth and incentivize foreign investment, considering impact of past benchmarks and other relevant factors.  One of the objectives is also Spectrum Rationalization / Re-adjustment Plan with an objective to maximize efficient spectrum utilization in line with international best practices for assigned spectrum. The aim will be to assign spectrum in a manner to make block size of contiguous frequencies by re-farming existing assignments to make standardized block sizes.  Further transparent and competitive spectrum auction plan with an optimal outcome, promoting mobile broadband proliferation, growth of cellular services and preventing collusion among the bidders is required as per the consultancy assignment.  The strategic vision of PTA is to create a fair regulatory regime to promote investment, encourage competition, protect consumer interest and ensure high quality Information & Communication Technology (ICT) services.  The scope of work will include the following:  (a) conduct study / assessment of the available / assigned spectrum in 900, 1800,and 2100 MHz in AJ&K and GB; international best practice on spectrumauctions/renewals and assignments keeping in view the aspects; (b) Consultation with relevant stakeholders including Cellular Mobile Operators, relevant governments and Frequency Allocation Board (FAB) HQs to assess the telecom market; its regulatory, financial and technical opportunities /challenges as specified. Further it will required the development of Policy Recommendations for Cellular License Renewal and Spectrum Auction Methodology comprising terms and conditions of licenses to be renewed; auction design, spectrum base price, rationalization plan and any other relevant terms and conditions.   d) Development of Information Memorandum including license template and assist in conducting spectrum auction as per agreed auction design.  The specific deliverables as per the timelines mentioned in contract agreement i.e. (i)  A report on existing Cellular Sector Analysis with focus on spectrum assignments. Report will include recommendations for Cellular License renewal, possibility of new entrant, spectrum auction and rationalization along with timelines for auction based on international best practices and stakeholder consultation applying technical, commercial and due legal diligence. (ii) A report on Spectrum valuation of 900, 1800 and 2100 MHz band with future projections of 3 x Years. The determination of prices shall be done under strict confidence and shall be provided in sealed envelopes to the client. iii) A report on auction methodology design and process for the spectrum assignment.    (iv) Prepare Policy Recommendations (comprising of renewal terms and conditions, spectrum blocks for auction, base price, auction design, spectrum capping, spectrum floor, spectrum rationalization plan, duration of assignment, QoS, Coverage, payment terms, auction participants and other relevant terms and conditions). (v) Prepare Information Memorandum along with License template including information mentioned at (iv) above and detailed auction design methodology, round increments, earnest money; Assist the Authority in developing and issuing necessary clarification as and when required to the potential bidders; prepare bid documents and other relevant documents ancillary to the auction process.   The consultant(s) / consulting firm(s) will carry out the assignment in accordance with Request for Proposal (RFP) document. Consultant (s)/ consulting firm (s) will be required to have relevant technical, financial, legal and regulatory expertise to successfully carry out the assignment. Method of selection will be Quality and Cost based, Interested Consultant(s)!Consulting firm(s) shall submit proposal for consultancy marked as “Cellular License Renewal and Additional Spectrum Auction in AJ&K AND GB” complete in all respects as per the parameters laid down in the RFP.  The Technical & Financial proposals for consultancy will be submitted in a single package containing two separate sealed envelopes, marked as “Financial Proposal” and “Technical Proposal”, The RFP document is available on PTA website and PPRA website The proposal will be opened at PTA HQ on 20th October 2020.  PTA, a regulatory authority for the telecommunication sector in Pakistan and Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJ&K) and Gilgit Baltistan (GB) was established as a body corporate under Section 3 of the Pakistan Telecommunication (Re-Organization) Act, 1996 as enforced in Azad Jammu and Kashmir by virtue of AJ&K Council Adaptation of Pakistan Telecommunication (Re- organization) Act, 2005 and in Gilgit Baltistan by virtue of GB Council adaptation of Laws Act, 2012, by the Azad Jammu and Kashmir Council/GB Council. PTA regulates the establishment, operation and maintenance of telecommunication systems and the provision of telecommunication services in AJ&K and GB. It is empowered to undertake consultancy on such terms and conditions as it may determine for licensing radio frequency spectrum for any telecommunication system and service, as it may from time to time specify.