Yasuke, a series about an African samurai in feudal-era Japan, and The Way of the House Husband, a new anime adaptation of a popular manga series in Japan, are two of the new series. These anime mergers nearly double the number of anime series that will be available on the platform in 2020. The global anime industry is projected to grow to more than $36 billion by 2025. With new movies like Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness and manga adaptations like Record of Ragnarok set to debut on Netflix in the coming days, it appears that the streaming service plans to cater to a wide range of anime genres and styles. Eden and Yasuke are described as “brand new stories brought to life by a wealth of foreign artists, further enhancing Netflix’s efforts to diversify their roster of original anime by collaborating with top creators from both within and outside of Japan. “We want to be able to brag about being the best entertainment destination with top-notch content,” says the company Netflix’s top anime creator, Taiki Sakurai. The anime industry is reported to be worth $23 billion, and companies such as Sony, which is in talks to buy AT&T’s anime streaming service Crunchyroll, have been seeking to get into it.