“We want our people being able to buy a good quality mobile phone for Rs8,000 to Rs12, 000 rather than spending Rs50, 000 to Rs100, 000,” he said at the inauguration of Information Technology Park at Hyderabad Institute of Arts, Science, and Technology. He argues that if past governments had formulated this much sooner, mobile phone rates would have been lower and more job prospects would have been generated in the country. We must encourage local mobile manufacturing by mobile firms. According to the minister, 16 software technology parks with a total area of 1,169,500 square feet are currently providing state-of-the-art services to technology companies across the country. Pakistan’s IT industry had undergone substantial advancement in exports, but he noted that it was still mainly focused on Karachi, Islamabad, and Lahore. According to Haque, the world is rapidly evolving, and new smart phone apps are being launched every day. “We must focus on the developments and take action to move forward in the world,” he said. He said the IT ministry was keeping a close eye on emerging developments and innovations.