How Much Has Coronavirus Spread Uptil Now?

According to Dr Anthony, we are at the ‘escalation state’ as per the coronavirus is concerned. Every country has its individual phase going on and indeed China has been hit the hardest. There has been around 200,000 confirmed corona cases and 10,000 deaths from coronavirus throughout the world. However, there is no stopping as yet.

What Is The Expected Situation Of Corona In The Coming Days?

Every now and then we all ask ourselves what is going to happen next? What about our jobs? businesses? schooling? and how far is this disease going to spread further? Well according to Dr Anthony Fauci the response each country has to its victims will determine the further spread of coronavirus. Moreover, there is actually no clear indications of what this virus can further do but with time they will know. However, one thing is for sure that if it is left unleashed and not treated right it will highly affect and spread but naturally, it will drop eventually. The first stage is its acceleration, which if dealt with care will be converted to deceleration. China is past its acceleration state whereas the US is not as yet and at the minimum, it is going to be several weeks before the corona-cloud gets past us! It is predicted that the Coronavirus is to be observed in complete social isolation and limited interaction for about 15 days after which the trend will determine that the world can carry on with its activities or not.

Is It True That More Than 50% Of The People Of The World Will Be Affected By Corona In The Coming Year?

It all depends upon the level of precautious the world is towards Coronavirus. 50% is an over-estimation of the threat and it can be brought down to 20- 25% only by taking the necessary precautions we are already taking. However, if it is left loose only then this percentage may be achieved.

How Important Is Self-Isolation? And Who Needs Self-Isolation?

Everybody is at the same risk of catching the disease and should practice social-distance but the people who are young and healthy, have a strong immune system are at a much lower risk of dying thus don’t need complete self-isolation if not affected by the virus. On the other hand, people on the elderly curve or those suffering from some serious illness such as heart disease, kidney disease, diabetes or any such major disease are at a higher risk and should practice complete self-isolation. They are advised not to go to gatherings, crowded places, market-places or any public place as they can be the possible transmitters of the virus to a mass number of people. It is our collective and individual responsibility to take care of not only ourselves but of the community in general particularly the vulnerable people.

Are The Hot/Humid Countries Immune To Coronavirus?

The respiratory viruses and such flu virus etc have a normal behaviour of nourishing in the cold weather and they are suppressed in a humid and warm atmosphere. However, there is no such proof about this new virus as yet and thus it should not be taken lightly by people living in humid countries as per this prevailing fact. We can only hope that it follows the same pattern.

Can We Be Hit By Another Corona-Wave After We Get Over It?

Dr Anthony is sure-shot that we will soon get over Corona but he is afraid that when in the next season corona returns it will be of an even more deadly trait but the good news is that by then half of the population will already be vaccinated and we will be well-equipped to fight it.

What Are The Precautions For Coronavirus?

Dr Anthony was full of hope but only if the world continues to be responsible and careful about coronavirus. He appreciated China how it had completely shut itself down and observed complete social isolation to tackle the uncontrolled spread of coronavirus and eventually newer cases stopped arriving. It is an obligation upon us to act responsibly and follow the following precautions:

Avoid crowded places, gatherings, unnecessary roaming and any such activities that involve more than 10 people. Observe social-distance by not shaking hands, kissing, touching or hugging one another. Wash or sterilize hands till elbows more often, preferably every 10-15 mins especially when return from somewhere outside. Wear a mask in public if you are affected or show signs of being affected like a cough. On the slightest signs of infection visit the doctor and get a coronavirus test. Cover your face while sneezing or coughing with your elbow. Avoid touching your face, eyes and mouth. If diagnosed with COVID-19 observe complete self-isolation.

Hope we all get out of it safely as soon as possible. Ameen.   For the complete interview visit: Mark Zuckerberg