Yet we know this: the home screen will look very different, the devices will be arranged in a manner that they are not today, taking calls and browsing through messages will be more physically appealing and you will be able to turn on and off the car with an iPhone. Probably.  These new additions are part of iOS14, Apple’s newest smartphone operating system update to be launched in September, roughly a week before the introduction of the new iPhones. The new iOS offers the new look for the latest iPhones and also works on older phones. 

New iOS 14 Features


Instead of looking at a large black screen while the caller is on the phone, graphics will soon be over 80 percent of the display. And you can arrange them for text by taking pictures of your contacts. 


The Apple Maps app will be upgraded with bicycle directions, a functionality that has been popular for some time in the Google Maps app and that is long overdue. 

App Folders 

We all have too many applications and its all over our phone. We had been able to sort them manually for years. Now Apple will sort them automatically into related groups, such as movies, social activities and dating 

Start the car with your iPhone 

The most interesting innovation in iOS 14 is called CarKeys, which allows you to turn on and off your car from your phone, or even share it with a friend or loved one. “Hey Dad, can I have a car borrowed? “Just give a text to the junior.