According to Instagram, they have removed support for both the standalone Boomerang and Hyperlapse apps to focus more on the main app. It will continue putting its efforts to bring new and exciting ways to bring more creativity and fun for people on Instagram. Before, Instagram was focused on just sharing photos but later also inculcated short-form video and e-commerce.

Instagram’s Boomerang & Hperlapse disappeared from Google and Apple Play Stores

The parent company of Instagram, Meta is also pushing Instagram to move forward and assimilate many features in one app. This keeps the users satisfied as they get a single app experience and it reduces the confusion of using many apps also. Instagram has added many features in the app which invalidated the need of keeping the separate editing apps. Even as Instagram became a one-stop shop app, still Boomerang was seeing 26000 downloads per day. People used to like both and will surely going to miss these apps. News is also in the air that the removal of Boomerang and Hyperlapse will lead to the announced shutdown of IGTV. Let’s see when it will stay available to Instagram users. If we analyze the other companies, they have also inculcated many features in one app. Introducing new features has kept them at the market’s leading position and users have stuck to them. Staying competitive and up to mark is the major requirement of society today. And it would be possible just when the companies will bring in new and attractive things to keep the users’ twig to them. Also Read: Google Play Store to Soon Get Updated Material You Buttons