Due to the demand and lack of supply, the price of the hand sanitizer on the market has been increased and not everybody can afford it at the price available, you can easily make the product at home with some easily available products.  Nothing beats proper hand washing in the old fashioned way. But if water and soap are not available, the next best choice is to use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)Trusted Source. 

Things you need to have to make the hand sanitizer at home


Sticking to a 2:1 proportion of glycerin to aloe vera is key to making an easy, germ-busting hand sanitizer. Blend all of the ingredients together well and add a little water to create a consistency like industrial sanitizer. 

What kind of germs does sanitizer kill? 

According to the CDCTrusted Source, a hand sanitizer based on alcohol that meets the criteria for volume of alcohol will easily minimize the amount of microbes on your hands. It may also help kill a large variety of disease-causing agents or pathogens on your palms, including the novel SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.