All legal VoIPs and VPNs and video conferencing apps such as WhatsApp, Skype, Google Meets, Zoom, Blue Jeans, Cisco WebEx, Team viewer, Meraki VPN etc are available to be used for virtual education and business. However, as per Telecom Rules and Regulations, PTA is only taking action against those using VoIP and VPNs for terminating illegal traffic which causes loss to the exchequer. Therefore, an impression, being given through media by certain elements that PTA has blocked all VoIP, Video Conference and VPN solutions is incorrect. Furthermore, PTA is working in close coordination with the Ministry of IT and Telecom (MoIT&T) and Pakistan Software Export Board (PSEB) in facilitating and regularizing the operations of BPO / Call Center Industry. To facilitate the industry, Internet Protocols (IP) applied for whitelisting through relevant service providers are processed for approval within 24 hours. PTA remains committed to serving as per its vision in ensuring that high-quality ICT services are available to telecom users in Pakistan.