The information comes from job postings on the company’s website for the establishment of a new internal mobile development studio to work on a new COD Mobile game. The details of these job advertisements, as well as the company description, all but imply that a sequel to the blockbuster first-person shooter game is on the way. Activision Mobile is a new division of Activision Publishing that focuses on both publishing and live-operations for Call of Duty Mobile, as well as a new in-house studio devoted to AAA mobile game production. Ours is a mobile studio unlike any other, built with the sole purpose of making the finest games in our industry. The game’s website contains job vacancies for a producer, indicating that the game is still in its early stages, with much of its creative vision and execution yet to be determined. The original COD Mobile’s fate is unknown, particularly once a successor is released. Players can only hope that, unlike many of Activision’s PC and console COD releases, their favourite shooting game will not be abandoned.