— Faisal Sultan (@fslsltn) February 17, 2022   Gates has met with Prime Minister Imran Khan and shall also meet President Dr. Arif Alvi, and other top officials during his brief visit. The world’s fourth wealthiest person also paid a visit to a Covid hospital in Chak Shahzad, a modern neighborhood of Islamabad. Later in the day, he is expected to pay a visit to the National Command and Operation Center headquarters. During a meeting with health authorities following his arrival, the billionaire philanthropist, who is also the co-chairman of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, a key donor to global polio eradication, was given a full briefing on Pakistan’s efforts to eradicate the virus. The prime minister praised the Gates Foundation’s efforts to combat poverty, sickness, and inequity throughout the world. Bill Gates has already spoken with Prime Minister Imran Khan about a variety of issues and potential remedies. In October last year, the prime minister urged Gates to consider delivering humanitarian aid to Afghanistan’s poor people. He maintained contact with Prime Minister Khan, assuring him of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s continuous assistance.