Time to Walk, an inspirational new audio walking feature on Apple Watch for Fitness+ released by Apple to inspire users to walk more frequently and benefit from one of the healthiest activities.

“Every original episode of new feature invites user to indulge themselves as they share insightful and significant stories, images, and music in a walk alongside influential and interesting individuals. With Apple Watch and AirPods or other Bluetooth devices, this new feature can be enjoyed anytime, anywhere”, said Apple official. For a total of about 15 to 25 minutes, you can listen to 2 to 3 stories from each guest in the first half of each episode, as similar photos start appearing on your watch in different intervals. The second half involves listening to three of the guest’s favourite tunes to round out your walk. The new option is ‘Time to Push’ for Apple Watch owners who are using a wheelchair, and a Walk Pace outdoor wheelchair workout will begin.