Android Owners Drive Better

According to an examination by a US insurance intermediary, the analyst company has now won another arena. As a result, Android users should be able to drive better cars than iPhone users. The company’s analysts looked at the data of 20,000 drivers who had together driven over 13 million kilometers. Android users beat iPhone users in every category (safe driving, speed, distractions, steering, brakes, and acceleration). According to the research, it makes no difference what gender Android users are, nor does their age or education impact the statistics.

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What Causes the Difference Between Android and iPhone?

According to the study, Android users also drive better in real life than iPhone users. Alexander Moser’s study attempts to explain the data but fails to reach a conclusion. One factor could be smartphone users’ emotionality. Only a few Android users, according to this, felt compelled to “violate the rules.” The emotionality of iPhone users, on the other hand, was higher. As a result, they become less predictable. Furthermore, iPhone users were, on average, younger than Android users in the survey. Again, the findings could have been influenced by the experience of older Android users. Also read: Intel is Planning to Launch a Massive New 16-Core CPU

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